At Saarbruecken I've recently very little thought, but to flares. The post-rockers are clear from this city and have imagined three years ago with an EP, which was recently once again revolved in my player. Nice surprise, then, their brand new EP to have before me, with "EP" is an understatement pretty. But they would not be the first book that describes a publication with more modest length album.

Anyway, the flares are still faithful to have a hand in the last three years, but alsoexperienced a noticeable development. The most striking change, which can be observed for some time with several other post-rockers, is the realization that youprobably sometimes not everything can be expressed only with instruments. Meaning:When flares are singing it now. Not every song, but still. They are a bit away from their only creed to let the music speak simply happen. What takes the band on her pregnant with meaning "Kingdom Come" album titled works, structured and arranged very closely,but with the same dedication that has also been awarded the debut work.

Emphasizes instrumental music, multi-layered and cinematic, and one hears that the fivepieces were designed for a visual experience. People, instruments, lights ... and itsounds floating, melancholy collides with levity and joy warms the whole room.Characteristic is the length of the five mini-epics, is the amazing sense of time. Perhapswhy they call it EP, because with "Kingdom Come" seems to fly the time. For flares that can mean only good things, because if a band its attractive effect so quickly unfolds that promises a more than pleasant long-term effect. My recommendation!

1. Doubt as a Layer (07:45)
2. Terpentine (07:11)
3. Pitchblack (08:08)
4. Malory's Last Ascent(ion) (08:21)
5. A Coast to be Sensed (08:25)

