The Concert for the Americas was a music festival held on August 20, 1982 in the Dominican Republic at the Altos de Chavón Amphitheater, a 5,000-seat, open-air Greek-style venue located approximately two hours east of Santo Domingo. It was the amphitheater's inaugural event, with performers including Frank Sinatra with Buddy Rich, Heart, and Santana.

01. "Crazy On You"
02. "Raised On You"
03. "This Man Is Mine"
04. "Straight On"
05. "Magic Man"
06. "Tell It Like It Is"
07. "Dog & Butterfly"
08. "The Situation"
09. "Even It Up"
10. "Barracuda"
11. "Rock & Roll Heart"


mirror link on file:
Heart – Rock And Roll [2016,DVD]
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