Year of manufacture: 2023
Genre: Progressive Rock / Fusion / Jazz Rock
Country: USA

01. Ignition
02. Tide
04. Coffee and Cream
05. I'm So Tired
06. Compared to What
07. You Got the Love
08. Maximum

Line Up:
Daniel Haschke - Alto/Tenor Saxophones, Flute
Carl Hipenbecker - Trumpet, Synthesizer, Vocals
Frank Laufenberg - Guitar, Vocals
Max Morkri - Drum Set, Backing Vocals
Casey Seymour - Bass Guitar, Talk Box, Backing Vocals
Ryley Buchanan - Synthesizer, Organ, Vocals
Miles Morkri - Keyboards, Keytar, Vocals
Brandon Jensen - Keyboards


mirror link on file:
Wurk – (r)evolution (2023)
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