Genre: Southern Rock | Jam Band
Year of publication: 2022
Country: USA

01 - A of D (00:02:59)
02 - C. Brown (00:05:48)
03 - Rock (00:04:38)
04 - Pigeons (00:05:25)
05 - Holden Oversoul (00:03:37)
06 - Proving Ground (00:06:25)
07 - The Last Straw (00:04:43)
08 - Love Tractor (00:05:14)
09 - Machine (00:03:14)
10 - Barstools and Dreamers (00:08:55)
11 - Contentment Blues (00:05:16)
12 - Impossible (00:05:05)
13 - LA (00:03:42)
14 - Conrad (00:07:41)


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Widespread Panic – Miss Kitty’s Lounge – 2022
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