Country: Spain
Genre: Heavy Metal
Year: 2022

01. Unopened (01:44)
02. Unfold (04:30)
03. Oracle of Amun (06:49)
04. The Silent Ghost (05:14)
05. Offering to the Gods (00:31)
06. The Chains of Andromeda (03:30)
07. Utgard (05:23)
08. Shadowlight (04:26)
09. Alchemy (04:47)
10. Black Soul Stone (04:50)
11. Lady Fair (00:37)
12. Felurian (04:36)
13. Fistful of Grog (06:24)
14. XVII (04:02)


mirror link on file:
Whirlwind Storm – Shadowlight (2022)
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