Front1Short lived hard rock outfit from Montreal acted between 1992 till 1995 when they disbanded cause of the music changes. “Satisfied” is the band’s only work released privately from the band in limited copies and totally hard to be found. Retrospect Records re-release this one in cdr edition in 2006 that is also rare. The band had everything from the right image, the strong songwriting and stellar production while the quality of the songs will definetely satisfy you. The heartfelt ballad “Stay” and the rocking “Hotline” with amazing bass line are songs that can be in any collection and gain airplay. If you like bands in the vein of Southgang, Roxy Blue, Noize Toys and Cry Wolf, don’t miss this hidden gem if you ever find it.

1.Do You Wanna Dance

Mike Evans - guitars, backing vocals
Nikko Alexander - bass, backing vocals
Rick Standford - drums, percussion, backing vocals
Tommy Jade - vocals, tambourine


mirror link on file:
Virgin Blue – Satisfied 1993 (2006) EP
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