Year of issue: 09/01/2009
Genre: Rock
Duration: 2 hours 58 minutes

DVD 1 Concert in Bonn, from the Rockpalast series, based on the 2004 European Tour.Bonus 2 clips.
DVD 2 Vanilla Fudge & Orchestra, Behind, The Scenes, Interview Rockpalast, etc. See tracklist.

Tim Bogert - bass, vocals
Carmine Appice - drums, vocals
Bill Pascali - keyboards, vocals
Teddy Rondinelli - cuitar, vocals

1.Good Good Livin'
2. Take Me For A Little While
3. Tearing Up My Heart
4. People Get Ready
5. Shotgun
6. Drum Solo
7. Shes Not There
8. Bass Solo
9. Do Ya Think Im Sexy?
10. You Keep Me Hangin On
Special Features Vintage :
Shotgun (1969)
You Keep Me Hangin On (1967)

Behind The Scenes –
Interview Rockpalast -
In the Dressing-Room with Carmine Appice –
At Dinner With Vinny Appice & The Lizards –
The Band
Carmine Appice
Tim Bogert
Bill Pascali
Teddy Rondinelli
Vanilla Fudge & Orchestra – 12 минут
Vintage Footage


mirror link on file:
Vanilla Fudge (Carmine Appice) – You Keep Me Hangin’ On [2009, 2 DVD]
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