U2 live DVD from the Vertigo tour. On this disc there is a concert in Milan. This CD is part of the "deluxe" edition of the U218 single. It features 10 songs out of 25 sung by the band in Milan during the "Vertigo" tour on 21.07.2005.

#01. Vertigo....................................04:22
#02. I Will Follow..............................04:12
#03. Elevation..................................06:23
#04. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 05:40
#05. All I Want Is You..........................05:09
#06. City of Blinding Lights....................05:46
#07. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own....05:13
#08. Miss Sarajevo..............................06:42
#09. Original of the Species....................05:02
#10. With or Without You........................09:00


mirror link on file:
U2 – Vertigo: Live from Milan DVD (Hamish Hamilton) [2006, DVD]
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