Tony Jeff MacAlpine (August 29, 1960, Springfield, Massachusetts) is an American guitarist and keyboard player. Known for his solo works and work with various bands and performers, such as Planet X, Steve Vai, Vinnie Moore, Mark Boals and Vitaliy Kupriy.

1986 - Edge Of Insanity
1987 - Maximum Security
1992 - Freedom To Fly
1993 - Madness
1994 - Premonition
1995 - Evolution
1996 - Violent Machine (japan edition)
1997 - Live Insanity
1999 - Master Of Paradise
2001 - Chromaticity
2006 - Collection The Shrapnel Years
2011 - Tony Macalpine


mirror link on file:
Tony MacAlpine – Discography (1986-2011) – MP3
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