The Fourth and Final Horseman"The Fourth and Final Horseman", the fifth full-length grouping French Heavy Metal, will be released on July 5 with the support of the record label Napalm Records."The Fourth and Final Horseman", replace with "Army of the Damned", released in March last year via Napalm Records.The album blends were made by Charles Greywolf (Powerwolf) in Greywolf Studios in Germany.

01. The Fourth and Final Horseman 04:48
02. The Poison of Mankind 06:07
03. Hellride 03:55
04. Time for War 04:11
05. Another Star Means Another Death 04:25
06. Dragonriders 04:12
07. Guardian Angel 05:39
08. Throne of Skulls 03:53
09. The Brotherhood of Wolves 04:44
10. Destiny 07:41
11. Unknown Soldier (bonus track) 04:13
12. Raise the Flag (bonus track) 04:33


mirror link on file:
The Fourth and Final Horseman – LoneWolf 2013
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