One of the most curiously under the radar bands who have been creating top notch sleazy punk rock ‘n roll since the 1990s is The Erotics. Like the Ramones, their formula is simple. Unlike the Ramones, they are vicious, biting, caustic, acerbic, surgical, pissed-off/pissed-on, and rabid. Above all else, they write the best “anthems to anger” you could possibly hear. Their new release, United We Can’t Stand, is all of the above, and much more.

01. Steroids and Cocaine
02. Ain't Talkin' to You
03. Big Beautiful Wheels
04. United We Can't Stand
05. Crawlin' on Broken Glass
06. Only When I Bleed
07. Pretty Little Bomb
08. Whorified

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The Erotics – United We Can’t Stand 2017
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