The Cherry Bombz was founded by Hanoi Rocks former guitarists Andy McCoy and Nasty Suicide, featuring drummer Terry Chimes (The Clash, Hanoi Rocks), bassist Dave Tregunna (Sham 69, Iggy Pop) and singer Anita Chellemah.

The Cherry Bombz – 100 Degrees In The Shade (1986)
The Cherry Bombz – Hot Girls in Love 1986
The Cherry Bombz – Coming Down Slow 1987
The Cherry Bombz – The House of Ectasy 1986

I have created a new archive with all 4 releases from the list in the post.
The album "House Of Ecstacy" is a compilation, which was only released in Japan. It was released in 1990 (not 1986). The release includes 3 releases, which all originally were released in 1986.
The album "Coming Down Slow" is 320 and the other 3 releases are 192.

turbo pakage my Magnus!

mirror link on file:
The Cherry Bombz – Discography 1986-87,MP3
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