Teodasia is a symphonic metal band from Venice, Italy, that began in 2006. The band's composer and drummer Francesco Gozzo helped organize the group which includes Priscilla Fiazza on vocals; Fabio Compagno, on guitars; and Nicola Falsone, on bass. Teodasia's first full album, 'Upwards', will be released in late 2011.

 This is a fantastic debut for a new band. Solid as if they have been playing and preparing this album for years. The orchestration that the band uses to fill the sound chamber allows this debut to take on epic and majestic proportions. Unique and full of surprises, with Fiazza's voice capturing your attention early and never letting it go. One of the better heavy metal, female progressive, releases this year.

1. Intro – Spection
2. Temptress
3. Revelations
4. Lost Worlds Of Forgiveness
5. Close Call
6. A Powerful Life
7. Hollow Earth
8. Aurora
9. Pandora’s Knight
10. Eulogy
11. My Minotaur

