We’re talking about The Steven Brooks Band – and let me tell you, this ain’t your grandma’s tea party! Picture this: You walk into a joint, the air is electric, and BAM! – you're hit with a funkadelic wave like Prince just high-fived the Grateful Dead.

01 - Southern Girl (Live).mp3
02 - Love...Always (Live).mp3
03 - Dancin' Shoes (Live).mp3
04 - Summer in a Basket (Live).mp3
05 - Together Til the End (Live).mp3
06 - Find Your Way (Live).mp3
07 - River (Live).mp3
08 - Loving on You (Live).mp3
09 - Be Kind, Don't Rewind (Live).mp3
10 - Gary Lucy (Live).mp3


mirror link on file:
Steven Brooks Band – Live, Vol. 2 – 2024
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