The first performance on disc one was filmed on Steelheart's Japanese tour in 1990 in support of the band's self-titled freshman release. The entire crowd knows what song the band is opening the show with just as soon as they hear the distinct familiar Miljenko vocal scream of ”…Love…Ain’t… Easy…”. From this vocal line up throughout the rest of the concert, the five members of Steelheart give 2 hundred and ten percent!

Miljenko Matijevic (a.k.a. Michael Matijevic) - vocals/guitar/piano
Chris Risola - lead guiitar
Frank Di Costanzo - rhythm guitar
John Flower - drums
James Ward - bass

DVD1 contents:
Japan Tour '90:
1.) "Love Ain't Easy"
2.) "Like Never Before"
3.) "Gimme Gimme"
4.) "Girl Gone Crazy"
5.) "I'll Never Let You Go"
6.) "Can't Stop Me Lovin' You"
drum/guitar solo
7.) "Rock n' Roll (I Just Wanna)"
1.) "I'll Never Let You Go"
2.) "Can't Stop Me Lovin' You"
3.) "She's Gone"
4.) "Everybody Loves Eileen"
5.) "Stick Side Up"
6.) "Wait"
Acoustic Shows:
1.) "She's Gone"
2.) "Shelia"
3.) "Mama Don't You Cry"
4.) "Electric Chair"
5.) "Shangrila"


mirror link on file:
Steelheart – Still Hard DVD1 [2006, DVD5]
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