SOLITARY SABRED - By Fire & Brimstone CD. Crashing and powerful, "By Fire & Brimstone" contains 9 ultra-metal tracks of barbaric nature. Ferocious power combined with massive and insane technical skills in the vein of the US metal legends of the olde. Recommended for fans of HELSTAR, CAULDRON BORN, OMEN, JAG PANZER, SLAUTER XSTROYES and SANCTUARY.

01. Servants of the Elder Gods (5:11)
02. Assassins of Carthage (3:28)
03. Disillusions (5:36)
04. Invoking the Master (4:21)
05. The Scarlet Citadel (Chronicles of the Barbarian King pt.I) (5:15)
06. Fyres of Koth (Chronicles of the Barbarian King pt.II) (4:08)
07. Psionic Transmogrification (3:37)
08. IX. (0:44)
09. Blestem (8:17)

Demetris "Spartacus" Demetriou - Guitars
Petros "Asgardlord" Leptos - Vocals
George "Stainlesz" Papaioannou - Bass
Nikolas "Sprits" Moutafis - Guitars
Fotis Mountouris - Drums

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Solitary Sabred – By Fire & Brimstone (2020)
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