Germany SMOKE 'N' FLAME is THE brilliant 80s glam and hard rock band of the modern age!Launched in 2016, SMOKE ‘N’ FLAME offers absolutely spectacular and energetic live shows!

Technically demanding, sweeping riffs and detailed melodies shape their rock sound. It's one thing to write great songs and knock them out in the face of rock fans. The other is to totally pick up the audience and carry them away. THAT is exactly the specialty of SMOKE 'N ‘FLAME. The 4 experienced musicians have set themselves this goal and experience it regularly.

01. Tonight's on Fire (04:35)
02. Smoke'n'flame (03:07)
03. Make My Way (04:41)
04. Why Should I (05:05)
05. She's Got a Hard Shell (04:25)
06. You Rock My Heart (04:15)
07. Up and Down (03:16)
08. Take All You Need (05:07)
09. All Night Long (03:43)
10. Call Me Crazy (04:13)
11. Ziit Zum Haime Gah (05:43)

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mirror link on file:
SMOKE ‘N’ FLAME – On Fire (2021)
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