frontMilan, Italy’s hard rock heroes Sixty Miles Ahead have revealed the album art, track listing, and release date for their new full-length album, "Insanity." The album consists of twelve songs and is set for an October 21st release date through Eclipse Records.

The band’s unique ability to hybridize hard rock canons with heavy metal guitars (and a hint of contemporary rock), makes ‘Insanity’ a landmark release for the band. The album also highlights their progression and maturity as songwriters, like never before.

1. Lost In My Mind
2. Every Time I Try
3. Sign for Tomorrow
4. Insanity
5. Dirt and Lust
6. Let Go
7. Dead Space
8. Neverending Fight
9. All My Fears
10. No One Else
11. Absence of Light
12. Used to Believe


mirror link on file:
Sixty Miles Ahead – Insanity (2016)
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