SIDEBURN is a Swedish formation formed at the end of the years 90 (to not to confuse with his homonymous helvète), of which the beginnings was in line with themselves the mouvance Stoner. Profit of seniority, the group has since had the time to diversify his catalog, to widen his horizon and to take its distances with the ecombrante and restrictive label Stoner. The formation has to preserve an authentic knowledge done in the matter of riffs huge ones and of fatty rhythmic ones, as the prove the opening title, Diamonds, the almostDoom The Last Day or again TheSaviour.
In parallel, the group offers biting exercises ofHard Rock 70’sgoods Rock and groovy as Tomorrows DreamandBring Down The Rain, all guitars outside, with soaring rhythmic section in supplement. Intoxicating!
at last, SIDEBURN developed a net leaning one for the slower pieces, more mélodiques, done more shade, often traversed by a feeling bluesy thick and electric one: Fire And Water, the balladCrossing The Lines, Silverwing to weaves it essentially acoustic, the majesticMonument. On these titles, besides the class of the guitars, it is the modulated and expressive song that does wipes.
although having probably a lot of references in common with the clouds of connected groups on the years 60 and 70,SIDEBURN is not satisfied to imitate or to repeat for it knew to develop a modern approach of a past inheritance. Excellent!
1. Diamonds
2. Fire And Water
3. Tomorrows Dream
4. Crossing The Lines
5. The Last Day
6. Silverwing
7. The Saviour
8. Bring Down The Rain
9. Monument
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SIDEBURN – IV Monument 2012
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