Italian female-fronted rockers SECRET RULE are already veterans from the scene formed almost ten years ago and having released consisten albums since. Now they are presenting their new effort called ”The Resilient”.

This is collection of of catchy rock rhythms and melodies with touches of electronica and symphonic grandiosity, produced & executed with bombastic sound. One built on a bedrock of thumping riffs and powerful vocals.
We really dig the tone of the band and how they mix many different sounds and layers to their songs. Along with the amazing vocals and melodies the band still rocks and really brings aggression to the music

01. One More (04:22)
02. Time To Reset (04:42)
03. I Wanna Cry (04:13)
04. Unlovable (04:38)
05. Obsession (04:20)
06. The Illusion (04:07)
07. The Showdown (04:08)
08. A Little Piece Of Joy (04:53)
09. The Hope (01:34)


mirror link on file:
Secret Rule – The Resilient (2022)
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