The IlluminART and SignatureXteam courtesy Salvus band completed the long-promised new music video of "Sensational" c. new song that will be included in the third nagylemezünkön appearing on 9 February 2015. 8 (+1) several albums, which will be the "souls" address to wear Nail Records sees the light of day, both online and in CD format. The last time the band's 2014 concert in Budapest S8 club in December 12, then only the next February ...
01. Világra szóló
02. Zsákutcák hőse
03. Vándor útlevelére
04. Átszálló
05. Méltatlanok jutalma
06. Lélektartó
07. Távolodó szempár
08. Mögöttes én
09. Átszálló (acoustic)
Salvus – Lelektarto 2015