Genre: Acoustic Blues | Female Blues
Country: USA
Year of publication: 1990 - 2009

1990 - The Uppity Blues Women - time: 00:42:34
1991 - Hot Flash - time: 00:54:39
1992 - BroadСasting - time: 01:03:15
1994 - Old, New, Borrowed & Blue - time: 01:00:16
1996 - Cleaning House - time: 01:05:55
1998 - Live & Uppity - time: 01:14:37
2001 - Ain't Gonna Hush - time: 00:53;04
2009 - Havin' The Last Word - time: 00:58:28


mirror link on file:
Saffire – The Uppity Blues Women – Discography 8 albums – 1990 – 2009, MP3
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