QUANTUM FANTAY started in 2004 when Pete Mush and Jaro formed a new band after they've both been in the now disbanded "OREGON". Pete is the current keyboard player in the Belgian progressive rock band "GIRRIBIZZI" and Jaro is handling the bass in a local cover band. Soon Gino Bartolini and Charles Sla came on board.

01. Tesselate (9:16)
02. Maras Kavya (5:47)
03. Astral Projection (8:04)
04. Skytopia (a) Azure (4:35)
05. Skytopia (b) Laputa (5:46)
06. Skytopia (c) Ignis Fatuus (2:59)
07. Skytopia (d) Empyrean (5:57)
08. Anahata (3:40)


mirror link on file:
Quantum Fantay – Tessellation of Euclidean Space (2017)
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