Exclusive reviews and promo records

This EP marks the beginning of a new chapter for the band as it is the first release written entirely by the current members. It is truly reflective of the four of us and pays tribute to our influences, our past and shines a light into the type of music and performance we can all expect from the band into the future.

Hard Rock From Australia

01. Scorpio 08:39
02. Grace 04:26
03. Banshee 03:43
04. Home 07:43



German power metallers PRIMAL FEAR are preparing to film a video for the song "Bad Guys Wear Black" at an "amazing" location in Nürnberg, Germany. The track comes off the band's new album, "Unbreakable", which is scheduled for a January 20, 2012 release via Frontiers Records. The CD was tracked at House Of Music studios in Winterbach, Germany with producer/bassist Mat Sinner and engineer Achim Köhler (EDGUY,MASTERPLAN).

01 - Bad Guys Wear Black
02 - Metal Nation (single mix) [Exclusive track]

Ralf Scheepers – Vocals
Alex Beyrodt – Guitars
Magnus Karlsson – Guitar, Keyboards
Randy Black – Drums
Mat Sinner – Bass, Backing Vocals, Production
Erik Martensson - Backing Vocals
Oliver Hartmann - Backing Vocals

Regarding the musical direction of the new PRIMAL FEAR album, vocalistRalf Scheepers told Greece's Rock Overdose, "You can really expect an album which is somehow skipping back again to the very basics of PRIMAL FEAR, with very rough metal riffs and screaming vocals and good melodies on it. So people can really expect a pure PRIMAL FEAR album with melody and beating drums and very harsh guitars."

He added, "Of course, every musician will somehow advertise his own album, but I'm really convinced that people will like this one, because it's got very catchy hooklines and it's a really 'bang-your-head' metal album.

"When you look back on the [PRIMAL FEAR] back catalog, from the very first album to this album now, I think there were quite some changes — on'Seven Seals', for instance, and also when we came [out with] 'New Religion'. We somehow now have a combination in between a good, bombastic sound with more back-to-the-basics guitar riffing stuff. Also we have two ballads on it, which are not [really] ballads. There's one mid-tempo song with some acoustic guitars in it and one song which has a little bit more keyboards. It's still not an acoustic-guitar ballad— it's still with drums and stuff — so I think it's a pretty tough album [overall]."



Když v roce 2005 vydali libere?tí Act Of God své album "...?asem zapomenutí", bezmála mi vyrazili pojistky. Hudebními nápady, jejich zpracováním, neot?elostí, barevností i povedeným zvukem. Pak však, jakoby snad cht?li dostát názvu svojí desky, razantn? ustoupili do pozadí. Po personálních rošádách a snad kone?n? už i konsolidaci sestavy p?ichází Act Of God aktuáln? se svojí albovou novinkou "Vzpomínky v zrcadlech". Šest let je hodn? dlouhá doba..., takže logicky by se kupa v?cí zm?nit mohla. Ta základní pozitiva, nazna?ená o pár ?ádk? výš, však našt?stí z?stala prakticky beze zbytku zachována.

K d?ležitým zm?nám - autorská pravomoc byla ?áste?n? omezena, výhradním tv?rcem na "Vzpomínkách" je Martin Hrachovec. Z pohledu potenciální jednotvárnosti však jde o zm?nu pouze kosmetickou, dokonce bych ?ekl, že ve snaze o maximální rozmanitost (nijak násilnou) se Act Of God lehce dostali až za mantinely soudržnosti nahrávky. Zm?na u mikrofonu, kde Annu Burianovou nahradila Stá?a Novotná je už hmatateln?jší. V celkovém sou?tu je po provedení všech matematických operací s plusy a mínusy výsledek nerozhodný - v ?istých, k?ehkých i dynamicky zp?vných polohách (a ve vzájemných dialozích s ?istým mužským vokálem pak tuplem) je Stá?a ješt? o ždibec p?itažliv?jší, než mému uchu siln? lahodící Anna, bohužel v momentech, kdy nasadí hodn? nep?irozenou masku drs?a?ky (viz. nap?. titulní" Vzpomínky v zrcadlech" ?i "Snazší je nevid?t") body ztrácí. Praktická ukázka toho, jak hudební nápady dokážou nakopnout výkon jednotlivce pak p?ináší nap?. „Sv?j život zvládnout sám“. Pomalá pasáž je celkov? nezáživn? hluchá a v momentech, kdy se v refrénu zvedne melodická vlna, je najednou Stá?a maximáln? p?esv?d?ivá. Nová rytmika jen potvrzuje to, co Act Of God nazna?ili v dávném rozhovoru - kluci umí hrát. A hodn? d?ležitá zm?na–nezm?na, snad ta vyšší moc v názvu kapely zap?sobila, že na kytarových postech se znovu sešlo duo navrátilc? Martin Hrachovec a Tomáš Rá?ek, kterým to spolu skv?le ladí.

Co se osv?d?ených jistot týká, Act Of God nezklamali hlavn? z pohledu hitovosti (o zvukové ?istot? nemluv?). Díky stylové nevázanosti m?že snaha o ukazování na top momenty vyvolat hodn? polemik (na své si p?ijdou gotici, melodici, deatha?i...), osobn? se hlásím p?edevším k melodicky dramatickým dialog?m (tedy t?m, kde se Martin se Stá?ou vyhýbají klasické stylizaci do krásky a zví?ete) s výraznými refrény – výpravnou "Bez zvláštních slov a frází" a "Stíny nad ránem" s nesmírn? š?avnatým refrénovým výletem do výšek. Stejn? jako v kole minulém – ano, i to lze považovat za jistotu - mi do uší neleze Martinova záliba v temnot? – v chropotu i jednotvárnosti (pomi?me divoké kytarové sólo) zamrzlý „Sv?t pod ledem“, který tvo?í radikální protipól nadýchaných melodií. Ale práv? i díky t?mhle kontrast?m je podtržena osobitost Act Of God.

S pot?šením m?žu konstatovat, že proces klinické smrti, následné oživování, bo?ení i budování byl ukon?en tím nejlepším možným zp?sobem. Act Of God mají na kont? další výbornou desku. Mírný bodový pokles oproti minulému albu je zp?soben pouze tím, že stylová rozevlátost a pestrost na mne tentokrát p?sobí pon?kud nesourod? a p?íliš rozháran? (nepopírám, že si v tom jiní m?žou nalézt nejv?tší kouzlo nahrávky). I p?es to jsou "Vzpomínky v zrcadlech" nadpr?m?rn? výživnou položkou, která si místo v mém p?ehráva?i zabírá na sakra dlouhou dobu

1. Dobro Umírá Drív I
2. Sílenství Pro Vlastní Beznadej
3. Bez Zvlástních Slov a Frází
4. Mlcení Lidskosti
5. Stíny Nad Ránem
6. Vzpomínky v Zrcadlech
7. Svuj Zivot Zvládnout Sám
8. Svet Pod Ledem
9. Snazsí Je Nevidet
10. Dobro Umírá Drív II



Australian rock group, established in 1985 in Sydney. Released 3 albums before disbanding in 1992.
Current Members:
* Jon Stevens - Vocals
* Stuart Fraser - Guitar
* Steve Balbi - Bass
* Scott Aplin - Keys

Band Noiseworks
Info: Australia
Info: Love Versus Money
Style: Melodic Rock
Info: MP3 CBR 320 kbps
Info:111 ??

1.Jealousy (Is A Curse)
2.Hot Chilli Woman
3.Liberty Bell
4.R.I.P. (Millie)
5.Take You Higher
6.Day Will Come
7.Miles And Miles
8.Don't Lead Me On
9.Everyday People
10.Burning Cross
11.Love Versus Money

??????? | Download

By Marcus Pan

I love it when a press kit smacks back. I’m reading the first few lines of the page that accompanies my copy of Eric McFadden Trio’s Joy of Suffering as it describes the jaded contemporary music scene, anxious anticipation of the coming of the EMT, etc. blah. “What a pile of exaggerated schlock,” I think. Then the next line: “Lest you dismiss the preceding as absurd hyperbole.” Oops, caught me. Suddenly I’m a lot more interested!

Eric McFadden is a dirty dirty boy. His music is dirty, his guitar is dirty, his attitude is dirty. Not dirty in a screaming “fuck” in a childish attempt for attention sort of way, mind[1], but in a more of a tongue in cheek in-depth thing. Basement level no holds barred, Joy of Suffering looks a lot nicer than I would expect a garage band to kick out. But it seems McFadden has a bit of a legacy to justify his shiny cardboard fold out sleeves while still being all disgruntled about music at large and getting away with it – adult like, not child like.

He’s seen the road with the likes of Bo Diddley, Joe Strummer, Reverend Horton Heat, Ron Wood, Les Claypool, George Clinton. The list goes on, but those are a few of the names that hit me. From classic rock to alternative, funk to ‘abilly, McFadden’s been out there. This time around he’s brought James Whiton (bass, stand up even which way cooler than my bass) and Paulo Baldi (drums) with him for the Eric McFadden Trio, and mixed up a whole bunch of brews on one album. McFadden himself isn’t even sure what to call it – “for the most part, it’s a rock band.” We’ll just go with that for now and take a listen to the dirty dirty tracks.

The funk-punk Put it Down cranks it open. Stoner rock in the sense that I’d break shit were I stoned. This has got to be an amazing pit song – raw, dirty, energetic with Eric’s “I don’t need to really sing I’m that cool” vocal aesthetics. Whiton’s bass are like nail gun shots to the temple. Bury Our Sins lopes up jauntily like a messy four month old zombie on steroids with castanets on its heels. Long Way Up surprises us by being a timid ballad.

Dig Whiton’s funky slapping on Miranda, a Spanish sounding or western sounding folk tune that feels like it bleeds tequila and dances in Tijuana. I keep waiting for John Wayne to stumble in with a Mexican hooker blowing his dick and a bottle of rum hanging from his pinky. Is the Morning Safe For Waking? is a good question and a grungy tune.

Nice work, your absurd hyperbole is awarded with honors. Joy of Suffering is a lot of fun with or without the alcohol and the drugs – with it you’ll break shit, without it you’ll contemplate the interesting lyrics. I’m not quite sure what would happen were you to involve acid. But it’s great fun had all around, from the stroppy Bury our Sins to the loping instru-grunge of The Ghost-Maker. Dirty dirty fun for dirty dirty adults, have at it then. Everyone gets to be that sometimes.

Band Eric McFadden Trio
Info: USA
Info: Diamonds to Coal
Years: 2005
Info: MP3 CBR 320
Info: 126 ??

Exsclusive From plotn08.org


1. Put It Down
2. Bury Your Sins
3. Long Way Up
4. Miranda
5. Memories Can’t Wait
6. The Rise of King George II
7. Is the Morning Safe For Waking?
8. The Ghost-Maker
9. The Ghost of Saint Patrick
10. Never Gonna Burn
11. Fill My Cup
12. Limitations

??????? | Download


BËEHLER — the Canadian band featuring the former EXCITERdrummer/vocalist Dan Beehler, AGGRESSOR bassist Brian Stephensonand guitarists Sean Brophy and Scott Walsh — has inked a deal with the German label High Roller Records. The group's debut album, "Messages To The Dead", will contain 12 songs and will be released on both LP and CD (the exact release date to be announced soon).

"Messages To The Dead" track listing:

01. Jet Black
02. March Of Death
03. Eternal Tormentor
04. Message To The Dead
05. Destitude Abuser
06. In Know One We Trust
07. Organized Mayhem
08. Destroy
09. Megalodon
10. Save Me From Myself
11. Kill The Witch
12. The End Of The World

BËEHLER has already started working on its next studio album, which will mark a return to the classic EXCITER sound of the "Unveiling The Wicked" and "Long Live The Loud" LPs.

Commented Dan: "I vowed never to play again after EXCITER. My brotherRichard was my mentor and fourth silent member of EXCITER, co-writing songs such as 'Under Attack' and 'Rain Of Terror'. He was the only reason I ever went anywhere in music. He did all the grunt work forEXCITER, critiqued every song and never missed a rehearsal. He begged me to do another album and play METAL again. I said no!

"When he passed away, Scott Walsh threw me in his studio, put the sticks back in my hands and said, 'Do it for your brother and call it 'BËEHLER.'

"Sean Brophy picked me up, gave me my confidence back. He worked like a dog, dedicated his life to BËEHLER. He kicked my ass, never gave up and without him there would be no BËEHLER. Together with Al Johnson[former BËEHLER/EXCITER bassist Allan Johnson] and Scott, they gave me an opportunity to play metal once more. I owe them and my family so much!

"This was Richard's dream, his spirit lives through these recordings. I even dug up his old lyrics once again and added them to 'Kill The Witch'.

"'Messages To The Dead' explains the communication existed and we truly believe he is at the helm of BËEHLER.

"Every song on this album was written about people who have touched my life, singing and recording it was an emotional roller coaster for me.

"For myself and the band, it goes much deeper than a collection of songs. The guys understand the journey that I'm on, driven by you know who!

"Richard, your spirit created this album..."

BËEHLER's sound is described in a press release as "a journey from speed to doom, heavily saluting their mentors like JUDAS PRIEST, IRON MAIDENand MOTÖRHEAD." "All we want to do is bring it back as a tribute to our metal heroes," the band said.



Band Praying Mantis
Info: Time Tells No Lies
Style: Melodic Hard Rock
Years: 1981
Info: CBR 320 kbs
Info: 122,74 Mb
Info: UK


01 - Cheated.
02 - All Day And All Of The Night.
03 - Running For Tomorrow.
04 - Rich City Kids.
05 - Lovers To The Grave.
06 - Panic In The Streets.
07 - Beads Of Ebony.
08 - Flirting With Suicide.
09 - Children Of The Earth.
10 - Thirty Pieces Of Silver.
11 - Flirting With Suicide.
12 - Panic In The Streets.

Rip By: Booddoom

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Band Alan Price & Georgie Fame
Info: Fame And Price, Price And Fame-Together!
Style: Rock
Years: 1971
Info: CBR 320 kbs
Info: 100,60 Mb
Info: UK


01 - Roseta.
02 - Yellow Man.
03 - Dole Song.
04 - Time I Moved On.
05 - John And Mary.
06 - Here And Now.
07 - Home Is Where Your Heart It.
08 - Ballad Of Billy Joe.
09 - That's How Strong My Love Is.
10 - Blue Condition.
11 - I Can't Take It Much Longer.

Rip By: Bdg63

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Band Rufus Zuphall
Info: Outside The Gates Of Eden
Style: Progressive / Kraut Rock
Years: 2006
Info: 320 kbps
Info: 295 mb
Info: Germany



01. Spanferkel
02. Portland Town
03. Outside The Gates Of Eden
04. Blue Zone
05. Lover Mine
06. Knight Of 3rd Degree
07. Sixpack (Into The Night)
08. Avalon
09. 1000 Mothers Weeping
10. Rain Keeps Fallin’


01. Angels Fly By Night
02. A Deeper Shade Of Blue
03. 900 Miles
04. 69 Ways To Sing The Blues
05. Colder Than Hell
06. Wei? Der Teufel
07. Through The Night

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Sentiment is a newcomer band from the land of the 1000 lakes, Finland, playing a superb mixture of classic hard rock and in-your-face heavy metal tunes.


Sentiment was formed in 1996, by Jami (drums) and Toni (guitar) Huovinen. At first the band started with a progressive angle, but soon changed their style into more straightforward melodic metal with a lot of hard rock influences.

The current line up was reached after countless member changes. Michael Henneken (ex-Silent Voices, vocals) joined forces with the Huovinen brothers (Jami - drums and Toni - guitars) in 2004 and it was then that they recorded the "Breaking the Chains"-promo disc.

They started to write new material and began searching for a new bass player and a keyboardist soon after. Kari Tornack (ex-Thunderstone, ex-Tunnelvision, ex-Mannerheim, keyboards) decided to join the band in the summer of 2007, after promising to handle live shows in 2005 for as long as Sentiment finds a permanent replacement for their previous keyboardist. Janne Laaksonen (Kilpi) took over the bass at the beginning of 2008.

Sentiment started the recordings of their first album, "From Here To Ever After", in December of 2005 after deciding to finance it themselves, due to the poor contracts offered by several record labels.

The band has opened shows to bands like Stratovarius, Kotipelto, Terasbetoni and Kilpi, and thanks to their connections to the Helsinki's metal scene, they managed to get Jens Johansson (Stratovarius, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen, ex-David Lee Roth, ex-Dio) to contribute a solo to the album and the bands close friend Tero "Mc Spain" Kostermaa to record and to co-produce it. Also Timo Kotipelto, Pasi Rantanen, Jarkko Ahola, Sami Virtanen, Anssi Stenberg, Pasi Nykanen and Thomas Nystrand have contributed to build Sentiment's first album.

"From Here To Ever After" is not just a great album in the classic sense, but also a statement of a new major-player on the heavy metal / hard rock scene. From the in-your-face metal tunes like opener "The Dark Side" and "From Here To Ever After", over the neo-classical power metal songs such as "The Black Star", to the classic hard rock songs like "The Last Day" and the power-ballad "Mourning Light".

1.The Dark Side
2.Black Star Rising
3.Breaking The Chains
4.Waiting For The Rain
5.From Here To Ever After
6.Fly On
8.Circle Of Life
9.The Last Day
10.Coming Home
11.The Long Winding Road
12.The Sign (Bonus Track)*
13.Spotlight Kid (Bonus Track)*

* - Bonus Tracks for Japan



Los Power Metal argentinos Renacer,
lanzaron el pasado 01 de Octubre de 2011
‘Bienvenidos al show’ DVD/CD doble en vivo, con el que celebran el 10º aniversario de la banda,
en los cuales han grabado 4 álbumes de estudio, realizaron una importante gira por México en 2007
y tuvieron la fortuna de abrir los shows de grandes bandas en su país,  destacando el HELLISH TOUR  HELLOWEEN /GAMMA RAY en 2008

Renacer es una banda Argentina de Power/Heavy Metal melódico formada en 2001, por el vocalista Christian Bertoncelli, quien abandono Imperio debido a diferencias musicales. El cantante quería menos teclados y más poder en su música, como en los inicios de la banda. Esto se ve reflejado en los discos de Renacer.

Bertoncelli y el guitarrista Gustavo Gorosito fueron los ex-integrantes de Imperio que formaron originalmente Renacer, pero Gorosito dejó el proyecto en seguida y Juan Pablo Kilberg tomó el puesto. Jorge Perini, que anteriormente había estado en Imperio y en Jeriko, se hizo cargo de la batería.
En 2003 Kilberg y Perini dejaron la agrupación y conformaron Magika.


CD 1:
01. Lenguas De Serpiente 05:05
02. Bienvenidos Al Show 04:31
03. Hijo Del Viento 05:29
04. Entre La Gloria O La Traición 04:15
05. Vida A Los Sueños, Sangre Al Corazón 05:22
06. Alucinado 05:02
07. Senderos Del Tiempo 04:17
08. El Valle De La Muerte 04:30
09. Madre Tierra 05:34
10. El lenguaje De Mi Vida 04:53
11. Donde Quedo Tu Corazón? 04:24
12. Recuerdos De Un Tiempo Olvidado I (Camino Hacia El Final) 01:01
13. Recuerdos De Un Tiempo Olvidado II (Buscando Mi Destino) 05:15
14. El Infierno Que Amamos 04:44
15. La Ultima Esperanza 06:03

CD 2:
01. Ni Un solo Golpe Más 04:18
02. Espíritus Guardianes 03:59
03. Guerrero Inmortal 04:24
04. Hoy Como Ayer 06:03
05. Nueva Sangre (Bonus Track) 03:52
06. Volver A Soñar (Nueva Versión) 04:07
07. Ni Un Solo Golpe Más (Acústico) 03:35
08. Elena X (Acústico) 04:30
09. Deja Correr La Tinta (Acústico) 04:10
10. Madre Tierra (Acustico) 04:47



Die produktiven Indonesier fackeln nicht lange, wenn es um Standortbestimmung geht. Die Herkunft mag immer noch exotisch auf manche wirken, der Bluesrock des Dreiers überzeugt heuer aber mehr als zuvor. Langer Atem zahlt sich aus und reicht im Fall von „Solid Ground“ gar über Ozeane hinweg.

Die beiden ersten Titel „Solid Ground“ und „One Heavy Night“ gehen als Fingerzeige durch: Das GUGUN POWER TRIO zeigt sich perfekt eingespielt, und Fronter Gugun steht mit seiner kernigen Stimme über allem. Die Band klingt in vielen Passagen eher nach einem Quartett, so dicht fallen ihre Arrangements aus. Wie der Sänger zwischen all den Worten noch Zeit findet, die Löcher derart geschmackvoll mit solistischen Glanzlichtern zuzukleistern, hört man es nicht alle Tage. Trotz „fire, desire“-Reime klingen die neuen Tracks der Combo frischer als noch auf „Far East Blues Experience, worauf auch „Marching Strut“ verweist, welches man Tommy Bolin widmete, doch statt den Seligen plump zu covern, dachte man dessen „Marching Powder“ sowie „Homeward Strut“ weiter.

Die Post geht nach zwischenzeitlichen Leisetretern (das slowe Gitarrenfeuerwerk „Mission“ etwa) auch anderswo ab. „Silent Rider“ stellt alle drei Musiker ins Rampenlicht, und Gugun singt sein Solo mit, wohingegen er im passend betitelten „I'm Juicy“ sexy haucht, ohne die Hose herunterzulassen. Trotz zahlreicher Jam-Passagen wirken GUGUN POWER TRIOdiesmal kompakter und lassen in Sachen Songwriting nichts anbrennen, genauso wie sie weite Landschaften in ihrer Musik beschreiben können, was der fabelhafte Abschluss „Crystal Mountains“ (Killer-Drums!) bezeugt.

FAZIT: „Solid Ground“ hebt seinem Titel zum Trotz ab und ist die bislang stärkste Scheibe des indonesischen Trios. Jammiger Bluesrock mit starker Liedschreibe wird 2011 anderswo kaum so trefflich zelebriert.

01. Solid Ground
02. One Heavy Night
03. Soul On Fire
04. Vixen Eyes
05. Mission
06. Trampled Rose
07. Silent Rider
08. I'm Juicy
09. Funky Chicken
10. Marching Strut
11. Crystal Mountains (Bonus Track)

Blues Rock



Band Dexter Ward
Info: Neon Lights
Years: 2011
Style: Heavy Metal
Info: MP3 CBR 320 kbp
Info: 98 Mb
Info: Greece / Italy
Time: Iron on Iron Records
????? Tracklist: 43:12

01. Neon Lights (Intro)
02. Metal Rites
03. Ghost Rider
04. Evil Nightmares
05. Return Of The Longships
06. Youngblood
07. Blackout In L.A.
08. Double Dragon
09. Back To Saigon

John Luna Tsimas - Bass (Airged L'amh, Black Sun)
Manolis "Barraza" Karazeris - Guitars (Battleroar)
Akis Pastras - Guitars
Mark Dexter (aka Marco Concoreggi) - Vocals (Lost Lullaby, Battleroar, Assedium)
Stelios Darakis - Drums (Mortal Torment, The Eternal Suffering)


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