If you like AOR and Melodic Rock the slightest, you should check out his albums. Aside from having created a slew of songs used on various movie soundtracks and TV Shows More»
70's Rock'n'Roll Paulistano! STRINGBREAKER AND THE STUFFBREAKERS · SATURDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2018 The musical and behavioral effervescence of the 60s and 70s added to the disturbing characteristics of the root blues. More»
We invited you to listen our first album wich speaks about differents battles like gladiators, vikings, witches of salem, church crimes, depression, and some others about nordic mythology with our own sound of Metal!!! More»
Feb 11, 2019 20:27
Heavy Metal |Power Metal Trash Metal
Founded at the beginning of 2009 in Cruz das Almas-Ba, Helligare comes from the idea of three former members of the band Cross of souls of the same city. More»
Known for highly entertaining live shows that fall somewhere between Vaudeville, glam rock and R-Rated episodes of Hee Haw, The Earps’ musical stylings range from shitkickin’ rock anthems to Bakersfield honky tonk, with traces of Southern rock and rockabilly. More»
This is a very honest and entertaining guitar album. You'll like it if you are into 80's 90's guitar instrumental music. And also it features a couple of hidden weird tracks. More»
Norway Normally when you are buying albums you expect to find a couple of track you really like and a load of extra average songs, but on this album every single song is super. More»
The long awaited second album by Five Star Crooks is at hand. The album 'Ride On' will be launched at The Royal Hotel in Drouin on Saturday, February the 9th. Recorded & mixed by Bill 'The Wizard' Irvin, and mastered by the legendary Tony 'Jack The Bear' Mantz this rock album is as solid as the pyramids at Giza, More»
Feb 11, 2019 17:33
Heavy Metal |Power Metal Trash Metal
Hellnite is a wonderfully cheesy moniker; they’re from the Americas; the angular logo suggests they play thrash metal (my number 1 passion in life), and they have song titles like “Phantom Force” and “Thrash Of The Living Dead”. So far, it all points to a rippin’ good time something in the vein of Merciless Death or Fueled By Fire. More»
Since switching from an 8 to a 7-string, my music is taking a new direction: fresh ideas, new melodies, and a more creative style overall. I record and produce everything, including the artwork. More»