Apr 29, 2019 06:19
Heavy Metal |Power Metal Prog Metal
Progressive Metal band from Chile. Carlos Esquivel, Patricio Esquivel and Ricardo Susarte has been members of the same bands since the early 1990's. Originally the band was named Fixion playing progressive heavy metal. In 1996 they had changed the name to Metropolis and released an album on cassette now playing Progressive Power Metal. To avoid legal problems the band name was changed to Polimetro. More»
Apr 28, 2019 21:27
Hard Rock Heavy Metal |Power Metal
Brazilian hard rockers Sunroad are back with their 8th full length studio album. Roxx Records are excited to be bringing you the US pressing of the latest offering from Brazil’s premiere hard rock band. ‘Heat Strokes’ is the latest offering from Sunroad and this one picks up right where this band left off and shows the progression and experience of these artists that make up Sunroad.
5th full length album. BLAZON STONE will release a couple of releases on April 26. On the one hand, his new studio album entitled "Hymns Of Triumph And Death". And, on the other hand, will release a live album titled "Live In The Dark"
Apr 28, 2019 16:47
All Exclusive Heavy Metal |Power Metal
New Jersey progressive thrashers SKITZO formed from the ashes of a band called Prophecy in the mid-’80s. The initial lineup—Bill Buchan (guitar), Shaun College (bass), Chris Corley (guitar), and Brendan Farragher (drums)—wrote and rehearsed seven nights a week, More»
“Phoenix from the Ashes” –my third studio album; like malmsteen´s “Trilogy” or europe´s “The final Countdown” feat. Goran Edman, Oliver Monroe, Paulo Cuevas and more... More»