Jun 11, 2020 13:16
Heavy Metal |Power Metal Symphonic Metal
mixed and mastered by Simone Mularoni (DGM) at Domination Studios and includes a guest appearance by Fabio Lethien Polo (Elvenking) on the song "Of Birth And Death". The stunning cover artwork and the graphics were once again made by Beatrice Demori (as on "De Rerum Natura"). More»
Jun 11, 2020 13:10
Hard Rock HQ Melodic Rock | AOR
'New World - New Eyes' is House Of Lords' 10th studio album, following the well received release 'Saint of the Lost Souls'. Product details. Audio CD (June 12) More»
Polution was founded in 1997 and has been playing in today’s music scene since 2005. The band are used to playing their music in various `rock-cellars` right up to renowned clubs such as the Rohstofflager in Zurich, the Treibhaus in Lucerne or the Transsilvania in Erstfeld. Polution have acted as support for bands such as Krokus, Sideburn and John Coghlan (formerly of Status Quo). Being placed third at the Emergenza Bandcontest `06 in Zurich currently ranks among the band’s greatest success story.
This albums feels like some 'mainstream' American HC/New Rock men are trying to play it melodic the same time they decided they should not be that rebellious against today life's daily routine. Really, this is a weird album, bearing in mind you should give it more than half a dozen of spins to confirm you're listening to this specific blend. But, I give limited chances to - eventually - enjoy it. More»
Jun 11, 2020 10:29
Hard Rock HQ Melodic Rock | AOR
Brit melodic rock geniuses VEGA returns with their latest offering ‘Grit Your Teeth‘ and an apt title if there ever was, as this album goes for the jugular right from the off. Hard-hitting and packed with intensity Vega makes no apologies for their gnarly and intense sound that rips through your from the opening track ‘Blind’ to the albums closer. More»
US Epic Power/Heavy Metallers GREYHAWK, has just signed a deal with Fighter Records for the release of their 1st album "Keepers of the Flame", which will be released on June 16th, 2020 on CD & 12"LP formats.
"Keepers of the Flame" is an impressive work of 11 songs with a great production which took place at MagicMix Studios and mastered at Mystery Room Studios. More»