Exclusive reviews and promo records

Country: Finland
Genre: Melodic Hard Rock
Publication year: 2022

Few days ago we featured ‘The Complete Blue Sky Albums 1976-1978 [HNE 5-CD Box Set remastered]’, including all the LP’s from Rick Derringer’s own band DERRINGER. Among these there’s their 2nd album ”Sweet Evil” (1977), which is the more ‘commercial & catchy’ and sports a bigger production (Jack Douglas of Aerosmith / Cheap Trick is behind the boards).

Continuing fulfilling the many requests of UFO‘s classic era albums in the best remastering / reissue versions, now we have here 1980’s “No Place To Run“, the eighth studio album by the British hard rock institution. It was the band’s first to feature Paul Chapman, who replaced Michael Schenker on lead guitar.

The purveyors of plaid return! TRIXTER headquarters are busy recording new material, meanwhile they are reissuing 2022 the album “Alive In Japan“. The CD (originally released in 2008 and long time out of print) captures the band’s fierce live energy at Club Citta in Kawasaki way back in 1993.

Sammy Hagar and his super-group The Circle will release their long-anticipated sophomore album “Crazy Times” next Friday. The new record finds Hagar, fellow Hall Of Famer and VAN HALEN bassist Michael Anthony, Grammy-winning drummer Jason Bonham and Grammy-winning guitar virtuoso Vic Johnson changing course, traveling to Nashville to record the album More»

The Following is an official release from Kivel Records ..No one looks forward to going back to school. Tests, gym class, cafeteria food and social clicks. No thanks Waldo! This time we think you’ll make an exception, as this isn’t your typical school, and it’s time we took you back there with Wild America !

Genre: Heavy/Power Metal
Disc Manufacturing Country:Various
Year of publication of discs: 1984 - 2013
Country: Germany

13A friend sent this otherwise unknown disc to me and I was immediately hooked. I cannot describe my excitement on hearing this for the first time. I am a fanatic when it comes to uptempo melodic rock and AOR More»

The Hammer Of The Gods (featuring Paul Gilbert, Daniel Gildenlow, Dave LaRue and Mike Portnoy) DVD "Two Nights In North America" is now available!

Country: Canada
Genre: Progressive Metal
Year: 2022

Throughout Germany they are known as the German AC / DC. And exactly, from the very first chords the similarity with AC / DC is fierce, and things cling to their kachovostyu, but not everything is so simple ... After listening to more it becomes obvious that the group gave the corporate style of AC / DC more than it took from him. More»

Genre: Hard Rock
Country: UK
Year of Publication: 1999-2008

Genre: Blues / Country / Alternative
Country: USA
Year of publication: 2012 - 2018



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