Exclusive reviews and promo records

Genre: Power/Thrash Metal
Country of performer (group): United Kingdom (Belfast)
Year of publication: 2012-2020

Genre: Heavy Metal / NWOBHM
Country of the artist (group): United Kingdom
Year of Publication: 1980-2012

Rook Road – stands for a symbiosis of blues, classic rock and contemporary rock music.Groovy drums and a powerful bass create a foundation into which melodic and rhythmic Hammond organ and guitar sounds are inserted to give a voice with a distinctive timbre the opportunity to fully develop in all its facets.

Genre: Progressive Rock/Psychedelic
Country: USA (Portland, OR)
Year of publication: 2007-2023

Country: Brazil/MG
Genre: Pirate Heavy Metal
Year : 2024

Genre: Blues
Country: USA (Austin, TX)
Year of publication: 2024

In early 1985, Hellion's male members decided to split from vocalist Ann Boleyn. Boleyn soon gathered a new Hellion line-up featuring ex-Romeo guitarist Chet Thompson, ex-Lion bassist Alex Campbell, and ex-Dokken drummer Greg Pecka. More»

Genre: Blues Rock
Country: United Kingdom (Malmesbury)
Year of publication: 2024

Country: UK
Release date: 2023
Genre: Rock

BLITZ are a 3 piece Rock band hailing from Nottingham UK, now releasing their third album entitled ‘Kicking Up A Storm’. Their style of unabated rock and roll stems back from the ’70s and ’80s and their love for KISS, Queen, Y&T, etc, that devotion providing the bones and fire for every BlitZ song, that explode and erupt with fury.


As you all know we’ve released numerous Albums and EP’s over the last decade! To tell you the truth it’s been a whopping 130 songs so far and we really do, love all of them!

WILDSTREET are back, the old punk band with the strong voice Eric Jayk is back with the EP “Wildstreet IV”. The current line-up includes Eric Jayk on vocals and guitar, Wrath Starz on guitar, Kevin R. Scarf on bass and Dylan Graff on the shooting gallery.

Genre: Rock
Country of origin of the disc (release): England
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher (label): The But! Records Co. Limited
Country of performer (group): England



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