Orange Goblin - Rough & Ready, Live & Loud (2020)
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Stoner Metal
Year: 2020

01. Sons of Salem (02:51)
02. The Devil's Whip (02:20)
03. Saruman's Wish (06:45)
04. Made of Rats (05:16)
05. The Wolf Bites Back (04:24)
06. Mythical Knives (04:44)
07. The Fog (06:13)
08. Some You Win, Some You Lose (03:37)
09. The Filty & the Few (03:03)
10. Shine (07:05)
11. Renegade (03:36)
12. Time Travelling Blues (06:38)
13. Your World Will Hate This (02:08)


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Orange Goblin – Rough & Ready, Live & Loud (2020)
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