morganha-rebellion-cover2013Morganha’s brand new album, “Rebellion”, will be released in June 2013.
Authors of a Technical Groove Thrash Metal, the album promises to be the heaviest of their history, the strength of a powerful and devastating production by Francesco Riganelli to BPA studio and mixed and mastered at Studio Domination by Simone Mularoni. 
01 Intro(Third From the Black Closet)
02 Old Deception
03 Raining Fire
04 The Breed
05 Desecrated
06 Shame
07 Messiah
08 Era
Brian Roby (Voice)
Dani (Guitars)
Francis 'Naked' Tables of Contents (Drums)
Francis 'Mylves' Menichetti (Low)
mirror link on file:
Morganha – Rebellion 2013
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