Matnely was born in February 2009, in the beginning it was called "Madnely", it was founded by Roberto Cedrik, the band played a Neoclassical style and had instruments like violin, cello, double bass, piano and female voice, However, it was not long before the style changed to the current Rock / Gothic Metal, it was a very natural process to include the drums in the instrumentation, so that it continued to change and the acoustic instruments were replaced by electric.

1 El Canto de la Sirena
2 Mi Amor Humano
3 Perversa Tentación
4 Al Final Del Camino
5 Espejo Siniestro
6 Cascabeles Del Dolor
7 Bajo un Árbol


mirror link on file:
Matnely – Melpómene Parte I (2018)
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