What a pleasure being able to feature a cd of this quality - one of my absolute favourites - the vocalist sounds a whole lot like Eric Martin of Mr Big in his prime, - every track is a highlight -highly recommended - very rare ...

1. Slice Of Life
2. Show Me The Way
3. Down On My Luck
4. Love Junkie
5. Crash And Burn
6. Saints And Sinners
7. Little By Little
8. Ain't No Good-Bye's On The Road
9. Maximum Attraction

Backing Vocals – Mike Goldberg
Bass – Fernando Rosario #5,Hal Craigen Drums – Van Romaine
Guitar,Backing Vocals – Fate Taylor
Lead/Backing Vocals – Jimmy Kunes

turbo thx magnus!

mirror link on file:
Luv Junkies – Luv Junkies (1993)
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