Country: Finland
Genre: Symphonic Metal

01. I (02:46)
02. Disobedience (04:21)
03. Waves (07:40)
04. Shine (05:04)
05. Varjo (05:39)
06. Souffrir (feat. Emmanuelle Zoldan, Camille André, Andi Kravljaca, Nils Courbaron) (09:48)
07. Stardust - I. The Race (07:12)
08. Stardust - II. Sand Castles (feat. Andi Kravljaca) (06:42)
09. Stardust - III. The Abyss (feat. Andi Kravljaca) (07:26)


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Lost in Grey – Under the Surface (2021)
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