Dear partners,stoked to share with you today, the upcoming new album by Boston-based Boogie Sludge Metal Act LEATHER LUNG! Release date: Friday, March 15th 2024

1. Leather Lung - Spit in the Casket
2. Leather Lung - Big Bad Bodega Cat
3. Leather Lung - Freewheelin' Maniac
4. Leather Lung - Empty Bottle Boogie
5. Leather Lung - Guilty Pleasure
6. Leather Lung - Macrodose (Interlude)
7. Leather Lung - La La Land
8. Leather Lung - Twisting Flowers
9. Leather Lung - Headstone
10. Leather Lung - Cornered Animal
11. Leather Lung - Raised Me Rowdy

mirror link on file:
LEATHER LUNG – Graveside Grin 2024
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