"Design Your Universe" - True to this song line, which comes from the Symphonic Metalband Epica, Lea Ciara Czullay lives for the music. Already active for years in several bands, she starts her solo project in 2018 and releases her first album "The Story Begins" as an instrumentalist. The band project consists of the guitarist Lea and a solid core of guest musicians for studio and stage.

Musically the guitarist is at home in melodic metal / symphonic rock / metal and shows different facets on her album. In total there are five instrumental songs with different metal and band influences. Epica, Nightwish and Sabaton - as well as four other titles for which Lea Ciara Czullay has invited guest singers and singers. The focus of Lea Ciara Czullay herself is on the guitar playing. Authentic and purposeful she realizes her ideas and uses on her album and on stage both 6 and 7 string guitars with different tuning.

On May 5th she releases her album "The Story Begins" as part of a record release show with numerous guest musicians. The support of the evening is the musician Adi Magler.

01. Imaginary Journey
02. Beautiful Night
03. Bittersweet (feat. Julia Neuhoff)
04. Confusion
05. Echoes In My Mind (feat. Norbert Quade)
06. Melancholy (feat. Julia Neuhoff)
07. Gone With The Wind
08. Heart Of Everything (feat. Frances Schulz & Johannes Grey)
09. The Wheel Keeps Turning
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mirror link on file:
Lea Ciara Czullay – The Story Begins (2018)
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