Released: 1996
Produced by : various producers
Time : 51:14

01 War Machine - Transport League
02 Callin` Dr Love
03 Deuce - M.ILL.ION
04 Flaming Youth - Kisses From The Past
05 I Want You - Mrs. Hippie
06 I Stole Your Love - Breakfast Conspiracy
07 The Oath - Snowy Shaw
08 Larger Than Life - Rock Soldiers
09 New York Groove - Mummy Dearest
10 C`mon And Love Me
11 Makin` Love- Zodiac`s Fate
12 Let Me Go Rock `n` Roll - Kiss Of Thunder
13 Almost Human - Clean Cut Clan and Mobile Whorehouse

turbo thx buks!

mirror link on file:
KISSIN’ TIME – A Tribute To KISS 1996
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