Genre: Electronic/Ambient/Progressive Rock
Country of the performer (band): United States
Year of publication: 1995-2010

1995 - Music Meant to Be Heard [40:41]
1998 - Dead Air for Radios (as Chroma Key) [33:54]
1999 - Colorblind (as Chroma Key) [29:43]
1999 - This Is A Recording (Demos 1994-1997) [33:54]
2000 - You Go Now (as Chroma Key) [39:17]
2004 - Graveyard Mountain Home (as Chroma Key) [53:27]
2004 - Memory Hole 1 [1:19:47]
2004 - Ghost Book - Soundtrack to the film Okul [45:28]
2010 - Shine [41:09]


mirror link on file:
Kevin Moore (Chroma Key) – Discography (9 CDs) – 1995-2010, MP3
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