The DVD features footage of JOHN 5 in the studio while working on the new album, exclusive videos taken on tour, a peek inside the photo shoot for his 2011 remix album Remixploitation, and more.

1. "Welcome to Violence" 4:15
2. "Beat It" 4:14
3. "Ashland Bump" 3:19
4. "Killafornia" 4:13
5. "The Castle" 3:17
6. "The Hill of the Seven Jackals" 4:04
7. "Noche Acosador" 3:22
8. "The Lust Killer" 5:01
9. "The Lie You Live" 4:23
10. "Creepy Crawler" 4:52


mirror link on file:
John 5 – God Told Me To (Bonus DVD) [2012]
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