images-cds2013-cmedia-IWRESTLEDABEARONCE9New album of this "curious" training, the first without vocalist Krysta Cameron left the band in full Vans Warped Tour 2012 on your pregnancy and maternity, it was a friendly separation where there were no hard feelings, the other members Steven Bradley [Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Samples], John Ganey [Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Samples], Mike "Rickshaw" Martin [Low] and Mikey Montgomery [drums] were not willing to leave so he sought a substitute, called Courtney LaPlante, sang in a band called Unicorn and is Canadian.

01. Thunder Chunky
02. Letters To Stallone
03. Snake Charmer
04. Boat Paddle
05. Firebees
06. Mind The Gap
07. Carnage Asada
08. The Map
09. That’s A Horse Of A Different Color
10. I’d Buy That For A Dollar
11. Inside Job
12. It Don’t Make Me No Nevermind


mirror link on file:
Iwrestledabearonce – Late For Nothing (2013)
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