Uddevalla, Sweden-based metallersHELLENNIUM will release their self-titled debut album on May 30 via Gothenburg, Sweden’sRambo Music, a division of Gain Music Entertainment (which is distributed and partly owned by Sony Music). The CD was mixed and mastered at Andy La Rocque‘s (KING DIAMOND) Sonic Train Studios in Varberg, Sweden.

In a 2011 interview with TheUnderground.in,HELLENNIUM bassist Linus Palmqvist stated about the band’s upcoming CD,“The theme, though, is already chosen, and was probably the easiest decision we’ve ever taken, seeing as it never was a decision. The songs sort of wrote themselves and united around the common theme that our values create. It’s the soundtrack to the battlefield of life! To have a record about anything else would be to go against all of the things that we and HELLENNIUM stand for.”

Khaled El Tayara: Vocals
Martin Lindberg: Guitar
David Borg-Hansen: Guitar
Linus Palmqvist: Bass
Dave O’Neill: Drums

1 Flag of Honor
2 Battlefield of Life
3 Blood On the Walls
4 Death to the False
5 All Hell Breaks Loose
6 Red, White and Black
7 Hellennium
8 Heavy Metal Alliance

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