RELEASE: 20. October 2023 - After their 2017 debut "Von Einst", the busy Pagan/Black/Death Metallers from Helgrindur have caused a stir in the local scene in recent years, especially through their live presence (e.g. Aaargh Festival, Mahlstrom Open Air, Ragnarök Festival) and have gained a growing fan base. Anno 2023, with the self-titled "Helgrindur", the long-awaited successor is now available, on which the band consistently continues their chosen path.

01. Intro
02. Windmühle
03. Fernweh
04. Erinnerung
05. Das Mädchen am Teich
06. Golem
07. Herr des Waldes
08. Helgrindur
09. Bergisches Land
10. Lei
11. Zur Ewigkeit

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HELGRINDUR – Helgrindur 2023
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