Country: Netherlands
Genre: Symphonic Metal
Year: 2023

01. Dust Arrival (03:10)
02. The Phoenix (feat. Dima Belf) (05:08)
03. Bring back the Light (03:58)
04. Fires of Beltane (04:31)
05. Eager (03:01)
06. Killing the night (feat. Diego Valdez) (04:54)
07. Highway of Life (feat. Ross The Boss -Guitar & Igor Kiv - back vocal) (04:00)
08. Star Child (feat. Maestro Mistheria) (06:07)
09. Wasting Time (04:28)
10. Heavenqueen (feat. Liesbeth Dulcimer & Dima Belf) (06:24)
11. The light in your eyes goes out (03:33)
12. A kiss to take your breath away (04:23)
13. All women in me (feat. Laura Guldenmond, Emma Elvaston, Anna Kiara & Firouzeh Sings) (04:46)
14. Killing the night (solo) (04:54)


mirror link on file:
Heavenqueen – Heavenqueen (2023)
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