Glass Kites are a 5-piece progressive rock band from Vancouver, B.C. Glass Kites was formed back in 2008, initially using the moniker Right. Following an initial EP and a number of live performances, the band decided to change the band name to Glass Kites in 2011. After that they hit the recording studio to create their full length debut album, which was officially released January 1st 2012. The members are Leon Feldman (Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer & Sequencing), Nate Drobner (Bass, Keyboards, Synthesizer), Curt Henderson (Guitar), Daryn Cassie (Piano, Fender Rhodes) and Duncan Trute (Drums). Duncan Trute has since left the band and Kyle Araki has joined the band as his replacement.

Artist: Glass Kites
Album: Glass Kites
Year: 2012
Label: None (Self-released)
Style: Progressive Rock, Crossover Prog
Format: mp3/320

01 Intro 1:13
02 Terra 7:53
03 The Body 5:35
04 Soothsayer 3:39
05 Break 1:09
06 Mirror Me 10:12
07 Slowly (Home) 6:46


mirror link on file:
Glass Kites – Glass Kites (2012)
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