Year: 1972-2001
Style: Glam Rock
Country: United Kingdom

1972 - Glitter
1973 - Rock And Roll Part 1 & 2 (EP)
1973 - Touch Me
1974 - Hey! (The Glitter Band)
1974 - I Love You Love Me Love
1974 - Remember Me This Way
1975 - GG
1975 - Rock 'n' Roll Dudes
1976 - Listen To The Band (The Glitter Band)
1977 - Silver Star
1979 - Always Yours
1984 - Boys Will Be Boys
1984 - The Leader
1987 - C' mon C' mon Party Album
1988 - Starke Zeiten
1991 - Leader II
2000 - The Bell Singles Collection
2001 - On


mirror link on file:
Gary Glitter – Discography (1972-2001),MP3
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