Released at Front Records: I do not really know how to start this review. It's been almost 20 years since the last album. As time goes by .. madness. The gentlemen sign up more than impressively and tie in musically seamlessly on old days. "Brothers of the storm" is a very sophisticated and sophisticated rock album, garnished with Scott's indescribable exceptional voice. Fortress was traded in the 90s as the only legitimate successor to the legendary Skrewdriver. And that is not an exaggeration. The elderly will immediately buy this disc without listening to music and will not be disappointed. 10 completely new songs and an old song of the first CD re-recorded. All young listeners should fetch the devil if they do not. Fortress is and remains an absolute exceptional band. Nobody really needs more to tell about the disc. Except maybe "buy or die"

1. Bridge Too Far
2. Brothers Of The Storm
3. The Cold Light Of Day
4. Odin With Us
5. The Wolf Age
6. Life's A Struggle
7. Like A Hammer
8. Under The Black Sun
9. A Life Without Liberty
10. Fear Of No Return
11. Defend Europe

turbo turbob

mirror link on file:
Fortress – Brothers Of The Storm (2018)
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