For their debut album "Unspoken Whisper", the band received lukewarm reviews from the music press and an award from The Classic Rock Society (UK) as "Best New Band". Album "One for the Crow" became a real "shock" for many lovers of progressive music. Flamborough Head's music is wonderful and varied, a combination of classic rock, folk, symphonic and neo-prog.

1998 - Unspoken Whisper [53:29]
2000 - Defining the Legacy [1:08:09]
2000 - Bridge to the Promised Land [40:00]
2002 - One for the Crow [58:17]
2005 - Tales of Imperfection [51:51]
2007 - Live In Budapest [1:18:55]
2009 - Looking for John Maddock [52:29]
2013 - Lost in Time [1:00:37]
2017 - Shreds of Evidence - Obscure Live Tracks and Other Rarities [1:15:17]
2017 - Live at Progfarm 2006 (& Northern Prog Festival 2015) [2:16:15]


mirror link on file:
Flamborough Head – Discography (10 CD) – 1998-2017, MP3
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