Say hello to FEINTS, the band that truly saved rock and roll. Feints excels at reclaiming and re-purposing all the great rock that ever was. -- 3-Two's Marcus Dowling Whiskey-rock powderkeg -- Vanyaland Feints hit heavier with a slummy, whiskey-and-angel-dust majesty. -- Boston Hearald Gritty rock outfit — laden with whiskey, sweat and tears. We can’t wait to hear more. -- Hard Candy
SOUNDS LIKE: All of the classic rock that you haven't yet realized you've been longing for, but delivered exactly how you want it. -- Chunky Glasses Feints brought a big rock sound with a flair for the grandiose to the Davis Square Theatre. This is straight up classic rock. No chaser. -- Daykampmusic
01. Los Angeles at Last 05:26
02. Loaded Dice 05:14
03. Hudson Valley Stomp 06:03
04. Saturday 04:34
05. Berklee Boys 06:25
06. Invalid 03:07
07. Death Rattle 04:05
08. Little America 05:34
09. Fighting My Way Back 03:09
Password: Plotn08
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