Fair Exchange”, the self-titled 1989 album from Buena Park, California-based band FAIR EXCHANGE was a wanted item for many AOR collectors. Released on CD but by a small indie label, over the years the disc resulted hard to find. Recently ”Fair Exchange” has been reissued / remastered.

This 5-piece played Lite AOR with multi-part harmonies (3 members contribute) with a smooth sound comparable to Canadians Worral, The Promise, Allies, etc, yet with a slightly more pulsating delivery than the bands of their ilk.
Songs like ‘Will I Ever Be The Same’, ‘Don’t Give Up’, ‘Searching For You’, ‘Why Can’t You Believe’ are good slices of late ’80s American AOR.

The band toured the Californian circuit and then the entire nation as Fair Exchange had a Christian rock background and the ministry put the band on almost every State. The group even reached Japan where the copies of ”Fair Exchange” arriving there sold out immediately.
Fair Exchange split in 1991 with lead singer Mark Pauley pursuing a solo career, however the rest of founding members resurrected the band in 1993 for a second shot.
While not essential, it’s nice have ”Fair Exchange” available again for all AOR fans / collectors out there.

1. Changes Required
2. Will I Ever Be The Same
3. When Love Goes
4. Friend In Need
5. Searching For You
6. Why Can't You Believe
7. Don’t Give Up
8. You’re Always There
9. Victim Of Circumstance
10. You Are The Reason
11. The Edge

Steve Headland Guitars
Mark Pauley Lead Vocals, Guitars
Gary Zdenek Drums, Vocals
Mike Sumption Keyboards, Vocals
Tom Allain Bass

turbo FLAC

mirror link on file:
Fair Exchange – Fair Exchange 2023 Remaster, MP3+FLAC
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