RELEASE: 21. October 2022 , Death Metal The quintet, founded in Bavaria in 2013, already caused quite a stir in the death metal underground with their 2015 EP "Morbid Obsessions" and could sustainably underpin their scene-wide standing with the release of their debut album "Eternity Of Death" in 2020, despite pandemically limited live activities.

With "Remember Me", the guys now present the successor, which relies on the tried and tested and once again delivers a high-class old school death metal album to the ears of the willing listener! Apart from morbid elements, the content is also dedicated to the topic of depression and the escape from life as well as the view into the afterlife and the memories that remain of a loved one.

The album was mastered by V. Santura at Woodshed Studios (Triptykon, Dark Fortress, Pestilence) and suitably staged with artwork by Juanjo Castellano (Revel In Flesh, The Black Daliah Murder).

01. Inside Out
02. Worms Will Crawl On You
03. Remember Me
04. Erebos
05. Memories
06. Shellshock
07. Erase The Pain
08. Enforce All Hope.
09. Downfall
10. From The Cradle To The Grave

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